CICS Commands
A list of the common CICS transactions, a full list of these can be found in the IBM book:
Bookshelf: CICS Transaction Server (find bookshelves)
Book: CICS Supplied Transactions (find books)
CICS command | Description |
CECI | The CICS command-level interpreter which allows you to try out EXEC CICS commands. |
CEBR | Browse temporary storage (TS) queues and delete them. |
CEDA | Define, modify and install groups. |
CEDA DEF FILE | Define a file (FCT) entry in a group. |
CEDA DEF PROG | Define a program (PPT) entry in a group. |
CEDA DEF TRANS | Define a transaction (PCT) entry in a group. |
CEDA DI GR(group name) | Lists all entries in the specified group. |
CEDA I GR(group name) | Install all entries in the specified group. |
CEDF | If the EDF screen is on, the next transaction you run will be stopped at the beginning, before any EXEC CICS calls and at termination. |
CEDF or CEDF ,ON | Switch on the EDF screen. |
CEDF ,OFF | Switch off the EDF screen. |
CEMT | Used to enable / disable, view and change values of resources, tasks and shut down a CICS region. |
CEMT P SHUT | Shut down a CICS region. |
CEMT SET PROG(program name) NE | Used to put a NEw copy of a program into memory when ALL transaction have finished with it. |
CEMT SET PROG(program name) PH | Used to PHase in a new copy of a program into memory when any NEW transaction starts. (Should be used instead of NEw copy in CICS Transaction Server) |
CESF | Sign off from a CICS region. |
CESF LOGOFF | Sign off and come out of a CICS region. |
CESN | Sign on a CICS region. |
CLER | Displays the Language Environment runtime options for the CICS region. |
CMAC | Displays individual message information as provided in the CICS Messages and Codes manual. |