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Current system

In 2002, I first heard a Naim system (CDX / NAC82 / NAP180 / SBL) costing around £10,000 (which was exceptionally good).
10 months after that, in February 2003, I finally had my own Naim system (CDX2 / NAC102 / NAP200 / Intro2) costing £5,000 (my credit card limit at the time).
In the years since then I have upgraded various components:

Previous system

The other components of the system are made up of items I've previously bought:

Future upgrades

Another great thing (apart from the price) about Naim components is that you can upgrade them by buying separate power supplies, so you separate the interference of the mains electricity from the component, making the sound cleaner.

Although it will be a while before I can afford an upgrade (minimum cost would be about £5,000), my plans are:


From my current and previous adventures with hi-fi equipment, there are a couple of tips I've found to get the most out of any system (in no particular order):

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