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These are the more common acronyms used in relation to OS/390.

Acronym  Meaning Explaination
APAR Authorized Program Analysis Records Update for a program.
ADCD Application Developers CD A special packaging of OS/390 software for the exclusive use of product development and support.
CICS Customer Information Control System On-line transaction based environment.
CICS TS Customer Information Control System Transaction Server On-line transaction based environment.
DASD Direct Access Storage Device A storage device that provides direct acess to data, like a disk.
DSN DataSet Name The name of a sequental or partitioned file located in MVS.
ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture ESA is a extension of MVS for big mainframe setups.
ESCON Enterprise Systems CONnection Marketing name for a set of products that interconnect OS/390 computers with each other and with attached storage, locally attached workstations, and other devices using optical fiber technology and dynamically modifiable switches called ESCON Directors.
FCT File Control Table A CICS table containing the attributes of all the files.
HLQ High Level Qualifier The beginning part of a dataset name that other datasets exist under.
ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility An environment in TSO that provides and allow the design of menu driven screens in TSO.
JCL Job Control Language A language used to execute jobs.
JES Job Entry Subsystem A component that checks every job submitted to ensure the JCL is correct and the required resources are present.
KSDS Keyed Sequential Data Set A VSAM file whose records are loaded in key sequence and controlled by an index.
LPAR Logical Partition A partition, capable of running its own MVS or VSE image. An LPAR comprises a set of hardware resources (processors, storage, channels, and so on), sufficient to allow a system control program such as MVS or VSE to be executed.
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage An operating sytem, which enables multple processors, each with there own virtual storage.
PCT Program Control Table A CICS table that lists the transactions and the associated programs available for execution.
PDS Partitioned Data Set A dataset that can store members, similar to a directory.
PDSE Partitioned Data Set Extended Same as a PDS with the exception that aliases longer that 8 characters can be generated for member names.
PPT Processing Program Table A table in CICS that lists the programs and their attributes available for execution.
PTF Program Temporary Fix An IBM term for a patch or hot-fix.
RACF Resource Access Control Facility An IBM product that controls which users are allowed to access which files.
RRDS Relative Record Data Set A VSAM data set organization, in which records are of fixed length and are accessed by their relative record numbers.
TSO/E Time Sharing Option / Extended An environment that allow users to access mainframes through screens and menus
USS Unix Systems Services A Unix environment accessible from within TSO.
VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method An access method for direct or sequential processing of fixed and variable length records on direct access devices.
VSM Virtual Storage Management An system that handles the use of virtual storage.

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