These are the more common acronyms used in relation to OS/390.
Acronym | Meaning | Explaination |
APAR | Authorized Program Analysis Records | Update for a program. |
ADCD | Application Developers CD | A special packaging of OS/390 software for the exclusive use of product development and support. |
CICS | Customer Information Control System | On-line transaction based environment. |
CICS TS | Customer Information Control System Transaction Server | On-line transaction based environment. |
DASD | Direct Access Storage Device | A storage device that provides direct acess to data, like a disk. |
DSN | DataSet Name | The name of a sequental or partitioned file located in MVS. |
ESA | Enterprise Systems Architecture | ESA is a extension of MVS for big mainframe setups. |
ESCON | Enterprise Systems CONnection | Marketing name for a set of products that interconnect OS/390 computers with each other and with attached storage, locally attached workstations, and other devices using optical fiber technology and dynamically modifiable switches called ESCON Directors. |
FCT | File Control Table | A CICS table containing the attributes of all the files. |
HLQ | High Level Qualifier | The beginning part of a dataset name that other datasets exist under. |
ISPF | Interactive System Productivity Facility | An environment in TSO that provides and allow the design of menu driven screens in TSO. |
JCL | Job Control Language | A language used to execute jobs. |
JES | Job Entry Subsystem | A component that checks every job submitted to ensure the JCL is correct and the required resources are present. |
KSDS | Keyed Sequential Data Set | A VSAM file whose records are loaded in key sequence and controlled by an index. |
LPAR | Logical Partition | A partition, capable of running its own MVS or VSE image. An LPAR comprises a set of hardware resources (processors, storage, channels, and so on), sufficient to allow a system control program such as MVS or VSE to be executed. |
MVS | Multiple Virtual Storage | An operating sytem, which enables multple processors, each with there own virtual storage. |
PCT | Program Control Table | A CICS table that lists the transactions and the associated programs available for execution. |
PDS | Partitioned Data Set | A dataset that can store members, similar to a directory. |
PDSE | Partitioned Data Set Extended | Same as a PDS with the exception that aliases longer that 8 characters can be generated for member names. |
PPT | Processing Program Table | A table in CICS that lists the programs and their attributes available for execution. |
PTF | Program Temporary Fix | An IBM term for a patch or hot-fix. |
RACF | Resource Access Control Facility | An IBM product that controls which users are allowed to access which files. |
RRDS | Relative Record Data Set | A VSAM data set organization, in which records are of fixed length and are accessed by their relative record numbers. |
TSO/E | Time Sharing Option / Extended | An environment that allow users to access mainframes through screens and menus |
USS | Unix Systems Services | A Unix environment accessible from within TSO. |
VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method | An access method for direct or sequential processing of fixed and variable length records on direct access devices. |
VSM | Virtual Storage Management | An system that handles the use of virtual storage. |